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How to avoid kids screen time during long journeys

How can we avoid our kids screen time? This question seems to bother many parents these days! Well, it takes great deal of efforts to achieve that!

It is well known fact that most parents worry about the screen addiction of their children. Reason is simple, something which is started for pure educational or entertainment purpose becomes dominating factor in their life, it even starts to steal their important moments!

During one of our recent road trip (about 9 hours drive), we decided to avoid screen for us and our 7 year old. It was a success and we truly enjoyed our screen free travel.

Below are few tips (which worked for us) to avoid kids screen time while travelling.

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1. Set the Expectation

If the child is watching screen regularly during particular time of the day, or if she knows that she gets one at the excuse of boredom, then it definitely calls for setting expectation before the travel. Else, they tend to go with the mindset and feel grumpy when you avoid it.

Talk to the child about what is in store for them during the travel, especially if it is their first time on flight/train or on long road journey.

Ask her/him to come up with some interesting games /activities to do during the travel time. Kids will surprise you with their list :).

2. Chalk out screen time alternatives

‘To be prepared is half the victory’!

It is important to do your homework and plan well about the alternatives of screen, not just for your kids, for you too. Remember, kids follow what we do rather than what we say!

Ditch the screen and try to embrace old ways as much as possible to enrich your travel experience.

3. Games and Activities

Games while travelling? Yes! It is definitely possible. Rejoice your free time with the children by playing games and doing activities that interest them. Few games and activity ideas:

  • Different versions of Antakshari (game of the ending letter). It can be played with songs, names, names of the places, words, etc.
  • Asking riddles game
  • Show and tell (kids version) – Players can show anything around them and say two to three sentences about it!
  • Card games like UNO, Spot It, etc.
  • Mini board games
  • Small Puzzles
  • Rubik’s cube
  • Origami
  • Coloring and/or activity sheets. Some airlines also provide such kits for kids during international travel.

4. Indulge in Snacks

Kids get cranky when they are hungry. Sometimes they don’t know how to communicate that hunger (usually kids below 6 years of age) and start throwing tantrums, not understanding the reason.

This may lead to parents mistaking it for boredom and offering screen! To avoid that, always carry healthy interesting snacks while travelling.

Make sure to carry non messy finger foods for small children. It not just keeps hunger at a bay but also keeps them occupied for some duration.

5. Time for Stories

Stories are the best way to introduce your child to new things. Stories have great influence on one’s life. It opens the door for imagination and creativity in a child. They can connect to different emotions and learn about new morals through stories.

Do your homework to tell them as many new stories as possible during the travel time. If you are passing through different places, see if you can introduce that place to your child through some stories.

6. Befriend Books

Reading books is one of the best alternatives to screen not just during the travel time. Carry some light weight books for yourself and your children.

Don’t just take any books, make sure you choose the books according to their age and reading ability. You can even surprise them with one or two new books, which can be their companion during travel time.

Inculcating reading habits is one of the best gifts you can give to your child. It benefits them in many ways in their student life and even after that. So, utilize all the opportunities you get to read to your child.

Take some books which you can also enjoy reading it for them. For Ex: Ruskin Bond or Sudha Murty’s stories.

Related Read – Book Review The Gopi Diaries by Sudha Murty

7. Feed the Curiosity

Kids ask too many questions right? Sometimes, we are busy with our own things and try to shush them! Studies say that children are continuously learning, so don’t ignore their questions.

Utilize your travel time to feed their curiosity. Show them new things, and teach them the formalities of everything you deal with during the travel. Encourage them to ask questions and try to answer in a child friendly manner.

These small efforts from our side gives them lot of confidence and equip them with knowledge, to handle any kind of circumstances in future.

8. Rest Well

Sleep deprivation is part of long travels, especially if you are travelling by air. This can also be the reason for little one’s irritation.

Calm the child and help her sleep for sometime during the travel or layover period. Make room for her to have comfortable sleep. It is obviously better and healthier option than the screen!

As per our experience kids ask for screen, when they don’t know what else to do! So if you offer them interesting alternatives they don’t whine about screen. We hope that with the above mentioned tips you can also avoid kids screen time during your next travel.

Happy screen free journey!!

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